“Looking back at the jobs I held before founding alliantgroup, I realize that my passion has always been to help businesses succeed.”
– Dhaval JadavDhaval Jadav is a licensed attorney in Texas and the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of alliantgroup, a Houston-based national tax consultancy.
Dhaval Jadav’s Master of Laws (LLM) degree from Georgetown University Law Center supplemented his passion for helping businesses succeed. Upon graduation, Jadav went on to serve both the public and private sectors. He worked in Texas as part of the Houston District Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service. Later, he found employment at the Washington national office of Deloitte & Touche, one of the Big Four accounting firms. He currently resides in Houston, Texas, where he has served as the CEO of alliantgroup since its inception in 2002.
In the earlier years of his career, Dhaval Jadav learned about tax incentives for business behaviors in the U.S., which included incentives for exporting, manufacturing, and research and development. As he gained experience in the field, he noticed that, while Fortune 1,000 companies served by the Big Four often received advice on which incentives were advantageous to assist in growing businesses, the small to mid-size businesses—also known as sub-Fortune 1,000 businesses—were not receiving the same incentive education. This realization led Dhaval and Shane T. Frank to establish alliantgroup as a means of educating smaller businesses and helping them receive available incentives.
Dhaval Jadav’s position at alliantgroup has provided him the opportunity to become more involved in the Houston community. Inspired by his father’s work as an electrical engineer, Dhaval’s interest in technology and innovations encouraged his involvement in scholarship programs. He is particularly proud to be a part of alliantgroup’s STEM scholarship program, which provides scholarships to Houston-area high school students interested in pursuing STEM careers. As Dhaval believes technology and innovation drive significant growth for American businesses and the economy, he takes pride in supporting this growth by giving back to his community.
In addition to his involvement with scholarship, Dhaval Jadav established alliantgroup Gives Back to encourage alliantgroup employees to participate in charitable and volunteer initiatives. Aside from his work at alliantgroup, Dhaval also serves as a counsel for a number of organizations such as D Squared Tax Strategies and ZMFF&J Law.

alliantgroup’s mission is to strengthen American businesses by helping U.S. companies and the CPA firms that advise them to take full advantage of federal and state tax credits, incentives, and deductions that are available to them.